Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Why do you need to keep spare passport/ ID photographs?

In today’s hustle and bustle, people hardly even have time to look at their passport photos let alone carry an extra of them. But it is always a good habit to carry an extra pair of your recently captured passport or ID photos. We have some strongly valid reasons to make you think again about not going after the fuss of it. There are always stiff conditions in the airport terminals and traveling destinations. If you are a business person or a working person traveling many places then you must have been adept to various scenarios where you need to help with your identity and there you get stuck with the urgency to a pair of passport/ ID photo to be printed ASAP. So always keep spare ones because here we briefly summarize some of the places and occasions where you might get in a hurry for the passport/ ID photos.

1. Replacement for lost/ stolen passports

During the travel you can never be sure about your passport because it can be lost, stolen or damaged anytime anywhere. The only thing assured is that your country’s embassy is going to help you at these times but it is up to you to execute these procedures faster. And the first important thing to have is a pair of passport/ ID photos. So, it is always a good habit to carry an extra pair of them that qualifies the requirements and can be used for the replacement ID/ passport in case of such emergencies.

2. Getting a Visa

It is also helpful for getting your visa application process. In most of the countries, a recently taken and not older than 6 months passport-sized ID photo is required to be submitted for the Visa. And when you already have some extra then it is definitely going to save you a lot of your time and trouble searching for photo booths around your new traveling destination. Obtaining a visa will be much handy with the spare photographs.

3. Educational paperwork

Apart from traveling and business persons, there is also a vast majority of workforce like students, teachers and professional people who are in the educational sectors. They always surround themselves with paperwork and forms (e.g. admission form) that may need an ID photo stamped or glued for the identity purposes. So if you are living a student life then you must start a habit of carrying an extra pair of passport sized photos because it is better not to wander around helplessly during the urgency.

4. Public Library cards/ SIM Cards/ ID cards

Whether you are a foreigner or a native, the telecommunication providers always demand a photo of yours if you intend to register a new SIM card for you cellphone. Nowadays people can buy cellphones along with the SIM card but first you always need to do a small paperwork stating your identity. Similar is the case for ID cards that you may need in various walks of your daily schedules like public library membership or a fun park cards at the weekends. So an extra pair of passport photos will surely save some of your bucks when you are buying a new SIM card or planning to have weekend discount cards.

5. Police aid/ reports

Usually native and locals doesn’t make up the list here because they are not away from their home but having an extra passport copy and ID photos can be a serious help during the police report filings for an outsider or a tourist. You never know what bad lucks could run onto you during your vacations or business visits. So in case of any theft, loss or emergencies such that you may acquire a police aid in new places it is worth to have an extra copy of your documents that depict your identity such as passport photos and passport itself.

6. Official/Local/ Government forms

Tourist, business persons, students, locals and any other person from different walks of life might need one or more official government documents. And almost each and every government processing requires an ID/ passport sized photo of the applicant/ entrant. For instance, applying for a drivers’ license, a tourist pass for some days in visiting places, an insurance form processing, registering with local offices, a business meeting and sometimes even renting a flat. So when you are about to print some ID photos it is better to print some more to have with you all time.

7. Foreign Child Adoption

In most of the countries, there are rules to bring extra copies of passport/ ID photo if you are planning to adopt a child from the child care centers and orphanage homes.

8. Luggage Identification

In airports, train stations and passenger terminals, you go through luggage checking and there are many times problems regarding the identification of your luggage. A lot of people face these common problems in the entry and exit points at different airports where finding own luggage becomes a headache amidst the crowd and security checks. So sliding your extra photo in the luggage tag along with your home address keeps your luggage safe and with proof of owner. This way even if it gets misplaced or AWOL, the security pesonnel can find you with the photo.

9. Job Application/ Resume

While applying for a job interview, a passport/ ID photo is usually required to be attached with your cover letter or job application. Similarly a resume or curriculum vitae might also need a passport/ ID photo of the applicant/ entrant in most of the cases. So instead of scouring the big city for photo studios to get the urgent ID photos done, it is always a healthy habit to have a pair of spare passport/ ID photo with you during these job visits and city works.

Keeping a spare photograph can be more comfy when you save them digitally in your smartphones in the exact size and format for future printing. So you can download a mobile app “Passport ID Photo Maker Studio” and let this app work as a vault to save your ID photographs in your cell backups. So whenever you have a need you can just look up in your mobile and print them using the printers.
A last but not least tip for ones carrying these extra passport/ ID photograph is that try to keep your printed photographs in those zipped plastic cases so that it doesn’t get dirty and damaged due to the debris and moisture from outside in long runs.

USA Passport Photo Requirements - Expression, Apparels, Ornaments And Other Objects

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