1. Unusual face
The entrant must avoid unusual facial expressions because it is not accepted by the federal authorities. The applicant must be depicting a naturally relaxed and calm mood. He/ she needs to show a neutral and normal face. It should not include squinting, making sad faces, smiling, frowning or any other moody behaviors.
2. Closed eyes
The entrant is required to open their eyes wide open. A closed or even a mildly opening view of eyes is not regarded as a correct for the passport photo. It is clearly stated in the photo requirements sections of all the countries that the entrant’s both eyes must be clearly visible and seen in his/ her passport photo to be submitted.
3. Double chin
Mostly over-weighed and sometimes even slender people faces are producing a double chin view on their close up shot of their passport photo because of the excessive/ insufficient amount of the body mass over their facial structures; no pun intended. So to avoid this weird problem, we suggest the entrant to try pressing his/ her tongue back inside the closed mouth so that the double chin area is not seen in the photos.
4. Head tilt
Tilted head structure is ought to be avoided during the passport photo shoot. The entrant must remain calm and straight for a while. Tilted head and face in the photo directly gets rejected so to avoid it ask your photographer whether the linearity is maintained or not. If you are DIY with tripod, then it’s a bit tough alone. However you can take a firm reference ahead and manage.
5. Open mouth
The entrant is not allowed to open their mouth in the photo. An open mouth showing teeth is directly rejected. Lips must be in normally relaxed state and both upper and lower lip area must be touched such that there is no any gap seen.
6. Eye contact
The entrant must be looking directly at the camera i.e. the eye level and camera level must be linear and straight. The entrant must be giving the straight eye contact towards the camera lens such that the entrant’s eyes are looking forward at equal level.
7. Extra Makeups
Putting up an extra makeup and beautifying products to enhance the look of the face is not recommended and thus needs to be avoided. If you usually wear makeup then put on usual amount of makeup so that it doesn’t reflect you differently than what you look in daily life.
8. Blinking
Avoid blinking your eyes while giving pose for the passport photo because it makes your photographer hard to capture the right shot with your eyes wide open. Blinking problem can be troublesome when it makes your shoot a lot repetitive. So relax your eyes, remain calm and don’t blink for some seconds.
9. Matching colors
Do not wear attires that match the color of background or even your skin tone. If the background color matches even mildly with the color of your apparel then it is producing a obscurity and hence rejected. If your skin tone is bright and background color is plain white then wear black clothing for instance.
10. Bad hairstyle
The entrants don’t take seriously about their hairstyles while posing for the shoot but it is also a important aspect that reflects your personality and moreover it helps you pose for the correct composition. Growing huge beards and long hairs is not recommended. Comb your hair and style them natural so that it looks professional and neat.